Thursday, 30 October 2014

Improved piaware Reception

After running piaware on the RPi B+ for a few days I was reasonably pleased with the reception but wanted to have an antenna outdoors. It would have been a fairly difficult job to try waterproofing my home brew collinear so after a look round the web decided to order a TMRF-1090 from Taylor Made RF Ltd.

I fitted it to the top of my mast so it is just above the roof of my bungalow and connected it with Heliax half inch FSJ low loss coax which I had spare. The antenna is sturdily built and well finished. The simple instructions with it made it a doddle to fit together. The Heliax is very stiff so it goes as far as the entrance through the bungalow wall and then connects to RG213 the rest of the way with a short flexible link to the dongle.

DSCN3664     DSCN3663

Once connected up it was a case of seeing how much reception would have changed. Would the TMRF-1090 be worth the time, effort and money? I needn't have worried as can be seen by the increase in the numbers of aircraft tracked in the statistics from FlightAware:

Data 2014-10-30

A little video of real time tracking using piaware with FlightAware on the Raspberry Pi B+:


  1. You have a good range on this receiver.

  2. Nice to have the data to back you up! I just now noticed the tagline on your blog - "A wrinkly exploring the possibilities of the Raspberry Pi B+". So that is what we are - "wrinklies". I think I like it. Cheers!
